Today, with the rapid pace of change, transformation, and progress, new career paths are constantly emerging, traditional ones are being transformed, and occupational skills and educational requirements are rapidly evolving. New technology, changes in organizational design and the trend towards globalized business operations are driving these changes. It is important to be prepared for change with a set of career goals, strategies and options based on your interests, personality, values, and abilities. By having a plan, you will be able to manage your career and take advantage of changes in the economy and job market instead of becoming a victim of change.
Take Responsibility
You are responsible for planning your career. Ultimately, it is up to you to make the necessary plans and take the necessary actions to obtain the skills and education required to achieve your career goals. However, you can get help if you need it. Your advisor or career counsellor can help you with:
- Developing a career planning strategy
- Finding the information, you need
- How to overcome obstacles
- The best way to plan your current and long-term education and skills programs
Ultimately, it is up to you to determine your career path and results you want throughout your life, so do not rely on someone else’s judgment. It is ultimately your choice which road to take.
Know yourself
Identifying and understanding one’s strengths and weaknesses is a crucial step in career and educational exploration and planning. Knowing your interests, values, skills, and preferences that are associated with your career will enable you to identify career fields, major areas of study, skills programs, and education pathways that are compatible with your personal characteristics. The 360 Assessment can help you develop a more accurate picture of yourself:
- Work Ability - This will provide you with an understanding of the type of work that suits your unique talents. Your Work ability contains a description of the types of work-related tasks and activities you enjoy the most.
- A Personality type describes your reactions to different situations and people, as well as how you make decisions, organize information, and solve problems.
- The Learning and Communication style helps you to identify and develop your own unique style to be more effective when dealing with people.
- It is your Skills and Competencies that reflect your abilities and commitment to learn and perform the activities you enjoy the most, irrespective of your age or experience level.

A Masterpiece of Life
In order to plan your career effectively, it is essential to consider your life plan, i.e., the big picture. Consider the following question: “What kind of life do I want to lead?” Understanding your life plan should enable you to develop your career plan, and your career plan should determine your educational plans. Everything is interconnected. I cannot recommend that you focus on those things separately. Because your decision will influence your,
- Education
- Career
- Income & Wealth
- Relationship
- Health
- Stress level
- overall quality of life
The following questions should be asked about your life plan:
- As a person, what are my personal principles? i.e. family, security, prestige, accomplishments.
- What kind of experiences would I like to have in my life? i.e. work, travel, adventure, cultural.
- What are the talents I wish to develop? i.e. music, art, language, communication, intellectual.
- Where do I enjoy spending my leisure time? i.e. community services, recreation and sports, travel
As a final consideration, you should assess whether your career goals are aiding you in choosing your educational path and whether they are supporting your life goals.
-Makarand Bhatt