Make a difference in the world around you by being the change you wish to see. The world would be a better place if everyone worked on themselves and developed qualities such as consideration, helpfulness, honesty, etc.

Listen carefully. When is the last time you really listened to someone else? While they are talking, do you tend to think about what you will say next, or do you allow your mind to drift to something else? When you are a good listener, you are showing respect and are in a position to better understand what is being said to you. By doing so, you avoid misunderstandings and missed instructions. In addition, the other person will appreciate your attention and will return the favor.
Be interested – not interesting. The ability to listen well goes hand in hand with this skill. Generally, people enjoy discussing themselves, so ensure you ask questions and take an interest in what they have to say. Don’t worry about them hogging the spotlight – you can have your turn as well. Did you ever meet someone who only talked about themselves? Take note of how many times you use the word “I” in your conversations. If you are judging, arguing points, interrupting the conversation, and using “I” frequently, then your communication skills need to be reviewed.
Respond – Don’t react. People tend to respond to each other primarily with their heads, rather than with their hearts. As humans, we tell stories about ourselves, defend our egos, and judge others. But responding from the heart allows us to respond with understanding and a sense of connection. Be positive about people and about yourself. Don’t knock people down – build them up. And never be afraid to follow your instincts.
Honesty is essential. Truth has always been the best policy, and there is a difference between being diplomatic and telling outright lies. A liar cannot be trusted. If you have made a mistake, well, you are part of the human race! It is not necessary to lie in order to conceal the truth. Telling the truth doesn’t have to be “brutally”, there are gentle and tactful ways to convey truths, and you should think carefully before speaking. You should avoid being dishonest because it has a tendency to come back to haunt you, and then you will be worse off than if you had come clean from the beginning, however uncomfortable it may seem.
Help others. Don’t you just love it when someone offers you a helping hand when you need one? Isn’t it wonderful to have the opportunity to repay them? One day, you may be able to repay that gesture by being the person others look to respectfully with gratitude in their hearts. As they say, what goes around comes around. You must be helpful to others in order to receive assistance from them. Whether you assist your boss with a project you know he needs help with, a coworker who is struggling with a heavy workload, or an elderly neighbor struggling up the stairs with her arms full, it does not matter. Kindness is remembered by people.
Keep your dignity and integrity intact. In both professional and personal situations, people who maintain their integrity are easier to deal with. It’s clear where they stand, and it’s clear where you stand too. By setting your standards and adhering to them, you will feel better about yourself and you will attract those who respect your standards as well as those who have their own. You do yourself a disservice by acting as a doormat and by allowing others to walk all over you. The situation prevents them from growing and learning how to take care of themselves. Be able to say no in a graceful manner. No one has the right to make you feel ‘bad’ because you think, feel, or dress differently than others. Do not forget to be true to yourself.
-Makarand Bhatt