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Choosing the right career is not as easy as it seems. During school, most of the students are focused on finding the best college without even considering where they will land after graduation. Having a clear picture of a future career, allows a school student to choose the suitable stream, subjects, program, and the best college for their future.

While most children are confused about their career and their education stream, they gradually learn more about their careers through public opinion and their friends’ influence. Before deciding on a college and a program, school students should establish their career goals and determine where they want to go in the future. Parents can help in this process, or they can seek the advice of qualified Career & Education Consultants.

The purpose of career planning is to focus your efforts, discover who you are, and give you an idea of how the industry works, as well as the skills you will need.

You can get started with your career planning while you are still in school since it helps you to identify your weaknesses, strengths, and the skills and knowledge you will need to succeed.

As school student steps into college, they start to invest their time and money into achieving their career goals. This is why it’s essential to take the right steps toward career planning early in your academic life so that you can find the right career path for you.

Most people don’t know what they want to do or where they see themselves in the future. However, most school students do not know what they want in their lives, so it’s important to plan things out so that your life has true meaning and purpose.

Today, many school students choose a career or college based on their interests, peer pressure, or social influence, without understanding their skills and competencies. You can plan your career more effectively if you are aware of your skills, competencies, natural learning style, personality traits, and academic achievements. Additionally, there are several steps that can assist you in developing a more effective plan.

This article describes the importance of career planning and how school students can get started with career planning to determine which is right for them.

Why should School students plan their careers?

When students reach the eighth grade, they often start thinking about their future. Some students explore different career options and need guidance as they are not sure of the path they should take. Through career planning, students can identify their strengths, skills, and interests that will assist them in determining the best career path for their future.

Students in school are asked in every grade what they would like to do when they grow up. In the early days, every student encounters such a question. Students often answer based on what they have learned (about careers) from their teachers, parents, or elders. Some students, however, make up answers or don’t even know what they want.

Studies have shown that the majority of students decide on their career options only at the end of their graduation. In reality, school is the best time to plan the right career so that based on the plan, individuals can enroll in the right courses, receive the right training, and develop the right skills that will help them land a job in their field of choice.

Here are a few reasons why career planning is important for school students:

  • Provides students with the opportunity to identify and leverage their strengths

When selecting the right career for their future, students who are aware of their strengths are more likely to make wise decisions. Understanding your strengths will allow you to identify what you’re good at and which career options may be suitable for your future.

There will be a time when you learn more about your strengths and when you will also discover your weaknesses. Your future will be brighter and more productive if you recognize your weaknesses and work on improving them. Focusing on your weaknesses shouldn’t be your main strategy instead you should leverage your strengths.

After graduating from school, most schoolers discover their real strengths. An individual who takes the right assessment and consults with a professional career & education consultant during school will be able to find out their strengths at an early age so that they can develop a structured career plan for the future.

Therefore, if you wish to select the right career option, you should first understand and learn more about your strengths. A person who is aware of their strengths is more likely to have a positive impact on society and in their personal lives.

  • Take the right decisions and move in the right direction

Currently, one of the most controversial questions is why do students have trouble getting into the right programs, colleges, and careers? Generally, students choose their careers based on recommendations or by studying the current trend and salaries offered. Few people take the time to decide on a career goal with a well-planned strategy.

You can’t depend on anyone else to develop your ideal career path, and success doesn’t just happen by chance. In order to have a successful career, you need to know where you want to go and which industry you would enjoy working in. As soon as you have identified your long-term goal, you can work on developing skills that will help you achieve it.

As an example, if you are in your 9th grade and planning a career as a chartered accountant, you need to know what steps you need to take to reach your goal. During 11th and 12th grade you should pay more attention to certain subjects and which coursework you need to complete to qualify as a CA. This includes subjects, exam patterns, syllabuses, topics, and many more.

If you have a predetermined career plan, you will be more likely to take the right steps in the right direction. If they fail in their life or career, most people blame others for their failure. However, if you have a career plan that is well thought out, you are less likely to blame other people when things don’t go as planned and instead focus on improving your mistakes.

  • Develops more confidence

Most likely you will end up in an unsatisfactory career or job if you don’t know what you’re going to do. Those without a career plan often find themselves lost or in the wrong place in their journey.

A career plan, on the other hand, helps you become more confident at every step of your life. You can set short- and long-term goals by creating a career plan. After you accomplish short-term goals, you will gain a sense of confidence that encourages you to move forward with the long-term goal. 

Many school students today lack a clear career goal, making it difficult for them to gain the self-confidence required to make the right career-related decisions. It is true that you may lose confidence if you start your journey without a definite goal, and this may lead to your inability to compete with your competitors.  

You need to plan your career so you can live your life with purpose. Having a career plan makes it easier for you to work confidently toward your goals.

A Step-by-Step Process for Career Planning for School Students

You should definitely think about your future career goals when you’re in school. Most people don’t have a clear idea of what they want. Students are more likely to be involved in co-curricular activities during school. To find a fulfilling career, school student needs to start planning early so they can explore different career options in their early years.

In this section, we will examine how someone can develop a career plan that is effective.

  • Develops more confidence

You need to think about the things you enjoy and what you are good at before you start planning your career, regardless of whether you are a school student or a working professional. When you don’t know what to choose as your career, it is important to identify what you want to learn about before you start planning your career.

It can be confusing for students to decide which college to attend after they finish their schooling. Well, before you begin the college search process, you should identify what interests you and what you want to learn. Learning about yourself is the only way to do this.

It is important to think about what you want to do if you know the industry but doesn’t get excited after seeing yourself in that industry. Your choice of the industry will have a significant impact on your future. Learning about yourself is all about identifying your strengths, skills, interests, and more.

If you are looking to discover your hidden skills, interests, and more, then you should take the “Assessment” test.  

  • Finding a career path that is right for you

You can now begin your search for career options that match your skills and interests once you have determined which activities and subjects you enjoy most. For example, if you love science, you can explore career options in engineering, agriculture, and more. For those who enjoy math, you can find jobs in accounting, budget analysis, and many more.

The main objective is to identify which career option matches your interests, skills, and most important priorities. There are several options when it comes to choosing an occupation. Depending on what interests and skills you have and what you can learn in the future, you can explore hundreds of occupations at an early age.

In schools we encourage you to identify your career goal; you are free to explore various options. But be sure to choose one that matches your interests. As you explore different career options, take the right assessment test that will allow you to find the best fit for your career.

  • Start building up the blocks

A minute ago, you were showing your child where their nose was, and now they’re getting ready to start big school. A minute later, they are researching universities. The education system is fast-paced and that’s why planning is critical, and it’s never too early to start.

Where do you even begin? It’s a great question and one we hear often.

Every parent wants the best for their child. You are not alone if you worry about their future in light of the rapidly changing world and the rising cost of education.

In spite of this, you can start planning for your child’s education at any age with some sound financial advice, careful planning, and a careful eye on the future. 


Career planning is important, but education planning is even more important since education will lead you to your dream career. Do not choose an education path first and a career path later, as this will cause you confusion and keep you away from achieving your goals.

First, fix your destination (career) and then start your journey (education).

-Makarand Bhatt

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